Member-only story
Cosmic Giftedness
The Eleven Percent Of Humanity Interacting With UFOs Have Special Brains

UFOs are not real just because the United States Navy and the New York Times say they are per the 2017 front page story about the U.S.S. Nimitz and the phenomena.
I mean no disrespect to our brave military forces (thank you all) and the New York Times (with whom I had a very positive experience as a stringer for several years). They added their imprimatur to the issue to great effect on the worldwide conversation we are now engaged in a few years ago.
But c’mon. Humanity is being spoon-fed the truth by some of the same organizations which helped hide the truth for at least 70 years since the Roswell event occurred — namely, the government and major, commercial media. Are we supposed to be grateful now?
The reason the phenomena are real — perhaps realer than real — is that everyday men, women and children have been reporting contact and interaction with UFOs and off-world or interdimensional intelligence for millennia. Its legitimacy resides in the grass roots of humanity and to decode it we must cherish this. The experiencers of it have been shunned, ridiculed, harassed, threatened and worse as whistleblowers. What about them — they who were apparently right all along?